May 13, 2011

Look how cute this face is. Can you really resist me?

Look at my feathering on my tail. That means I'm getting older. See, when you're a puppy our tails are like cork screws and it isn't until we get around 6-8 mos. does it start to fall. I'm also getting feathering on my britches.

If you look into my eyes, you'll see confusion. I'm not sure of myself. I'm deaf and that poses problems of itself, but my little brain is confused too. I don't know when to stop and relax like other dogs. It's like having an on/off button and the off button doesn't work. My foster mom, who's an angel, lets me run and run, both in the house and the yard. I can easily do this all day, but she stops me after about an hour and loves on me to relax. Then it starts all over again. When I wear myself out, I sleep in my kennel peacefully and quietly through the whole night.

Please, Please, Please. I want a treat too.

My foster siblings have taught me so much. From them I learned to sit for my treat. Bogie, the dark Setter, has taught me to play with stuffies and on walks, sniff around trees. Everyone has taken such good care for me. I just love them all!